Course Topics


Osseous Defect Treatment Planning

Learn Osseous Defect Treatment Planning Classification based on difficulty and success rates.

Guided Bone Regeneration

Learn step-by-step techniques for tent/membrane grafting.


Learn and understand the indications for various types of membranes.


Platelet Rich Fibrin/Sticky Bone

Learn the theory behind using bone growth factors such as PRF.

Division B Implants

Learn the indications and technique for the placement of Division B (small diameter) implants.

Bone Grafting Complications

Understand the etiology, management, and prevention of bone grafting complications.


CBCT Interactive Treatment Planning

Hands-on treatment planning via interactive software programs.

Previously Recorded Surgeries

View various videotape surgical procedures.

Practice Management – Integrating Implants Into Your Practice

Learn how to integrate implant dentistry into your practice.


Hands-On Lab Sessions

Tissue Stretching

Hands-on technique for tissue stretching resulting in tension-free closure

Tent Screw Membrane Graft

Hands-on lab for the placement of tent-screws, grafting material,membrane, and membrane tacks.

Platelet Rich Fibrin

Hands-on lab learning basic venipuncture technique and utilization of PRF.

Ramus Harvest Lab

Learn step-by-step technique for harvesting ramus bone.


Ridge Splitting Lab

Hands-on lab learning ridge splitting surgical techniques.

Split Finger Surgery Technique

Hands-on lab to learn various Stage 2 surgery techniques to improve soft tissue health.

Soft Tissue Grafting

Learn autograft and allograft soft tissue grafting procedures