
10-Second Technique to Change An O-Ring

10-Second Technique to Change An O-Ring
by: Nemer Hussein, CDT

Changing O-Ring attachments can be frustrating, especially if they are not completely seated within the metal housing. However, the following is a simple and easy technique to change an O-ring fast and accurately.

Step 1: Remove the old O-Ring by “puncturing” the ring with an explorer. Clean any debris out from inside the metal encapsulator

Step 2: Apply Water-soluble petroleum jelly (K-Y) with a brush to the inside of the encapsulator. Do not use Vaseline as it will break down the attachment.

Step 3: With cotton forceps, place the attachment vertically into the necapsulator

Step 4: Tuck and seat the O-ring into one corner, then the opposite corner until the entire ring is passively in the housing


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