
DIY Multi-Unit Abutment Handle Holder

DIY Multi-Unit Abutment Handle Holder
by Nemer Hussein, CDT Lab Technician to The Stars!!

Problem: For immediate load cases, almost all titanium abutments (chimneys) will require modification prior to PMMA prosthesis fixation (Figure # 1). When cutting the abutments, significant heat will be generated. Unfortunately, no implant companies manufacture MUA holders.

Solution: The following is a fast and economical technique to make a DIY holder.

Step 1: Cut the ends off of a Sharpie marker and remove all ink (Figure 2)

Step 2: Fill the empty sharpie with self-cure repair acrylic, place MUA analog into top of the Sharpie, and allow the acrylic to cure, thus securing the analog (Figure 3)

Step 3: The Sharpie marker is now a MUA holder. The Titanium abutment is secured to the analog and the abutment is modified with a separating disc. (Figure 4)


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